Thursday, May 22, 2014

Enjoy the Torture! - Revolution - Season 2, Episode 22 - Series Finale

Oh, the joy of happy endings!  At least, for some of us.  Revolution ends its season, as well as the Series, with our heroes smiling as one of Miles' crazy plans finally works.  Literally, twenty episodes of failed ideas finally get erased because Miles finally gets lucky.  And Monroe finally comes through.  Aaron gets Priscilla back, but she has bad news for him which we only get to speculate on.

Let's start with Rachel and Aaron's electrocution experiment, which didn't work.  Nano Priscilla is still in control, although we finally get a glimpse inside the real Priscilla's head.  Real Priscilla is basically repeating the same awesome day over and over, enjoying a joke with her fake daughters, when a lightning storm strikes right outside the house, meant to convey that Aaron and Rachel's stunt actually pierced the dream she's having.  She's stunned, but her "daughters" try to get her attention back to them, and the dream she's having.  Nano Priscilla is busy working on Rachel and Aaron, as she literally tries to beat them to death.  Both notice that she's bleeding from an ear, and Aaron decides to re-try the useless talking from last week, this time shouting at Nano Priscilla, hoping to reach the unconscious, real one.  He tells her to wake up, that she's been taken over.  And he tells her that she's the love of his life, and he just wants her back.

It's faint, at first, but as Real Priscilla realizes she's hearing Aaron's voice, her "daughters" transform into eyeless, mouthless beings.  She realizes, finally, that it's a dream, and rushes out the door of her "house", standing outside and forcing herself to wake up.  As the Nano loses control, she gets a flash of disconnected images, too quick to make out before she can wake up.  Which, she finally does, crying at realizing that the last few weeks haven't been real.  Nano Priscilla, and Starship, are finally gone.

Miles and Monroe invade the courthouse just as Ed is walking President Davis away, a tech is setting up the gas and Marion as a patsy, and soldiers are chaining the doors shut.  They hack at the chains, and kill the soldiers at the doors.  Miles bursts into the courthouse, with all of Willoughby frozen in place.  Realizing that he's not properly dressed, and carrying a massive gun, he shouts, "Run, you idots!".

I've got a gun!  Run away from me!

His plan works- the people are convinced he's come to attack them, and rush away from the mustard gas, foiling Ed's plan.  He and President Davis  hear gunshots as their plan is foiled, and Davis begins to lose faith in Ed, who escorts him to a bunker.  Carver, President of Texas, joins them almost immediately, demanding to know what's going on.  President Davis sends a coded warning to Ed, that he just fucked up his last chance.  Ed, in true selfish fashion, simply shoots everyone there except President Davis.  The two men stand together among the bodies, and Ed says he's going with Plan B.  Carver is now dead, and Ed decides to make himself the hero.  Why not?  It's his plan.  He shoots himself in the arm.

Both Ed and Davis, the next morning, arms in slings, recount how Carver was killed by Miles and Monroe working for California.  Scanlon wanders in and out of the crowd.  While Blacksmith Joe and his daughter look on in fear, the newly-saved residents of Willoughby cheer enthusiastically for Davis and Ed as they announce that Texas has officially declared war, and the Patriots will be with Texas every step of the way. To disaster.  Willoughby will have to sacrifice Ed for the war effort, as he'll be right there with Texas, guiding them to "victory".

Back at the super secret hideout, Gene is crushed after finding Marion's body the night before.  They were lovers once, and then friends.  And, he sent her back to Willoughby and Ed despite her fear.  And now she's dead, probably by Ed for discovering the gas he was about to use on the town.  Monroe is bitchy, as he now can't find Connor, Neville, or Scanlon.  He whines to Miles that he went along with Miles to the rescue, only to lose his own son.  To Neville, of all people.  Rachel thinks the lives of about 200 people are a decent consolation prize, but we all know that's not enough.  Monroe's idea is to just kill President Davis.  Miles is thinking kidnapping, and he sends Gene, Dr. Rachel's Dad, to contact Miles' old buddy Frank Blanchard, stabbed by a Patriot cadet, but recovering in Austin.  Somehow, Miles will get Texas a full confession of the Patriots' crimes.  He sends Blacksmith Joe to find about three trusted buddies.  Joe is absolute as he assures Miles he's got friends, even if Miles isn't.

Rachel checks in with Aaron, who is worried over Priscilla.  She has a fever, and is sleeping it off.  Who will wake up?  Priscilla, or the Nano?  Rachel tells him to wait it out.

Neville, Connor and Scanlon, sitting around a campfire, decide to kill President Davis.  And Neville knows just how he'll do it.  Miles tries giving Monroe, Rachel and Charlie a pep talk, which Monroe cuts short.

Neville, Connor and Scanlon scope out the road Davis will have to take to get to the train station, which is, horribly, located far away, along an easy to ambush route.  Instead of close to the town it's supposed to serve.  But he's disappointed, as Team Miles hits it before they can.  Neville, Connor and Scanlon can only show up late to an empty convoy, Davis gone.

Foiled, twice in one episode.  A fitting end.

President Davis, gagged and tied up like the boss in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, is being marched away towards a waiting wagon.  When he gives Rachel a funny look, she confesses to the team that they already know each other.  

Sucks balls for you, dude

The Patriots, though, have caught on and are coming for Davis.  And them.  The front wave is on horseback, but there's a second wave coming on foot.  And their numbers are just not beatable.  So, stuck behind the ruined chimney of an old house, Miles sends Davis on with Monroe, to meet up later at whatever rendezvous they've got.  Miles is pretty bitchy about it, but he tells Monroe that he's trusting him, and Monroe understands.  If Monroe doesn't come through, Miles' whole plan is for nothing.  So, Monroe better choose him this time.  Monroe escapes with Davis, and Miles finishes off the mounted Patriots.  He, Rachel and Charlie run off to lead the Patriot soldiers on foot away from President Davis.

Dr. Rachel's Dad finds Blanchard easily enough in Austin, and he's back in fine, lecherous form.  Until, that is, he realizes Gene isn't his doctor.  Gene calms him down, and says he's got a plan from Miles.  Blanchard, not missing a beat, points to a paper he's reading, full of war and bluster, and says Miles is too late.  Gene, though, is still hopeful, telling Blanchard that Miles' plan is a little better than Blanchard thinks.

Miles, Rachel and Charlie are hiking through the woods, silently, until Monroe acknowledges that he might have been foolish to trust Monroe.  He polls Charlie, trying to rationalize his decision, but Charlie reminds him that Monroe is unpredictable.  Miles reminds them that Monroe came to help them end the mustard gas plot.  He also reminds them that he's supposed to be a good person now.  With faith.  And hope.  And sunshine coming out his ass.  They walk on together.  There's nothing they can do except get to the meeting place, and wait for Monroe.  To show or not.

Monroe holes up in an abandoned utility shed, setting President Davis around while he scopes out the surroundings for trouble.  Davis tries to use the moment to chat, and tries to butter Monroe up.  Monroe leans in real close, and uses his patented creepy half-whisper technique to set Davis straight.  He's never going to help Davis, who he considers a smarmy fake.   Miles' plan might not work out, but either way, Monroe will enjoy killing him.  The look on Davis' face, with a guy he can't scare and bluff, makes Monroe happy.

Outside, Monroe is approached by Connor, stubbly messy-looking.  Gone is the cute kid they picked up in Mexico.  Now there is a bitter young man who tells Monroe that both Neville and Scanlon are ready to shoot, and his only chance is to hand over President Davis for Neville to kill.  Connor is fine with Texas and California tearing each other apart, and reminds Monroe that they would have to kill Davis eventually, anyway.  Monroe turns him down.  After all the mistakes of the previous seasons, Miles is still willing to trust him.  Monroe, for once, wants to make his old friend happy.  Connor is tired, and he just can't take his dad preferring Miles over him anymore.  Neville and Scanlon open fire.  Monroe manages to kill Scanlon. Neville and Connor advance on him, and Monroe evades them by going back into the shed.  When Neville and Connor finally break in, they find it empty, with the door on the other side locked as the door they entered through shuts behind them.  Monroe, outside, barricades them in.  After placing Davis in the wagon, he rides off.  Leaving his son trapped with Neville.

It's the dead of night, when Monroe finally meets Team Miles at their rendezvous, which is an old farmhouse.  Miles is relieved when they show up, and announces that they're watering the horses and leaving in ten minutes.

This is us, being patient

While they wait inside with a still tied up and gagged Davis, Rachel takes the chance to sit Davis down, and tell him he's been a very bad boy.  And no, he's going to bed with no dessert.  Calling him an insult to the Real America, she curses him with a "Screw you from the bottom of my heart".  When Patriot soldiers surprise them, and take the house, guns on all of Team Miles, Rachel is still unrepentant.  She tells him, about to die, that people will figure out the truth about him some day.

Davis, back on top with his soldiers around him, enjoys telling Rachel that Americans don't really want freedom.  They want to feel safe.  And they will hand over control to anyone who tells them what they want to hear.  He orders the soldiers to kill everyone on the spot, but they hesitate.  They drop their weapons as the camera moves to show... Blacksmith Joe!  His guys are the "soldiers".  This was all fake.  Dr. Rachel's Dad shows up with Frank Blanchard and a few Texas Rangers who heard the whole thing.  Everybody relaxes at the Patriots haul Davis away.  Miles finally gets the bad guy, telling Davis to enjoy the whole Texas prison experience as a parting shot.

The next day, Texas is all camped out and ready to roll on California, with Patriot commanders working with them.  Blanchard shows up with his troops, and the Patriot commanders don't realize what's happening.  Until, that is, Monroe gingerly steps in, and declares the treaty over.  Blanchard leads Texas on a slaughter of Patriot soldiers.  Where is Ed so Texas can kill him?

Ed is getting out of a port-a-potty just as the slaughter starts, and slinks off before anyone can find him.  But, it's still a great victory.  Miles tells Dr. Rachel's Dad that he'll get his town back.  And Charlie officially gives her blessing to Miles and Rachel, telling him to take her away somewhere and start over.  Yay.

Aaron is relieved when Real Priscilla wakes up.  She's not.  She tells Aaron about what she saw right before waking up.  It was fast, but Priscilla remembers seeing people.  Millions of mindless people.  And a grinning man.  She reminds Aaron that the Nano will easily find other people to control.  As she tells Aaron that the Nano is going to make the Patriots seem like Boy Scouts, we see President Davis.  And a tired, dirty Ed.  And Neville.  Each visited by a cluster of green fireflies, and then a ghost.  Davis sees his father.  Ed sees Marion, who he killed.  Neville, sees Jason, who he can't let go of.  They each tell the season's worst people to visit a town named Bradbury.  In Idaho, which is in what's called, the Wasteland.  As Davis, and Ed, and Neville hear this news, we finally see the Grinning Man.  He's a clown.  And he's lighting up.  The town around him lights up, left deserted years ago but coming to life.  Just in time for a crowd of people approaching.  The Nano's first victims.

Our new villain!

The series is ending here, when Team Miles will presumably trek all over the Mountains looking for a new villain to rail against uselessly for a season.  We'll miss these deeply flawed people floundering as they try to hold on to whatever they care about, or fail at correcting their own mistakes.  We wish them luck.  But, not too much luck.

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