Saturday, October 18, 2014

The King Of Ba Sing Se Fashion Mall - Legend of Korra - Season 4, Episode 3

Wow, six hours of Wu.  Mako can't wait for the boulder-drumming, earth bending dames.  Well, he can't wait for the whole thing to be over.  Prince Wu is already celebrating, neglecting any mention of actually governing the Earth Kingdom, and demanding that bleacher seats be limited to make room for his dancing badger moles.  He demonstrates how much room they'll need by imitating their future dance.

Mako doesn't have to watch alone.  President Reiko himself approaches with a patronizing question for Wu.  Instead of instantly asserting his autonomy as a human being and quitting, Mako asks Reiko if putting a young, completely inexperienced, unintelligent, totally shallow celebrity on a throne that governs millions is a good idea.  Reiko has no illusions of Wu's non-abilities and lack of qualifications.  That's why he's sending every experienced Minister he can find back to Ba Sing Se with Wu.  And Mako, who Wu promises will loving palling around with him. Tenzin doesn't look enthused about Wu, either, but Reiko comforts them by reminding them that royals love state ceremonies.

At least he can dance

Reiko is actually more interested in wanting an update on Korra's disappearance from Tenzin, who still has no idea where she is.  But, he's already sent word to his fellow air benders to keep their eyes open for her.  Tenzin's big concern is that Korra may have to rein in Kuvira, who's been restoring order to the Earth Kingdom.  He's heard that Kuvira is putting anyone disloyal to her in prison.  Reiko wants to deal with her political prisoners once she's relinquished power, which Mako doesn't think she'll do.  Turns out, Reiko was clear with her three years ago, and made her promise to hand power back over the the rightful King.  Tenzin repeats that he'd have more faith in that promise if Korra were around to enforce it, while we're treated to Wu going freestyle.

Korra, having lost the bruise and scratches, is all ready to start learning from Toph.  Only problem- Toph has no interest in teaching her anything.  Korra wants to go back to her Butt-Kicking-Avatar-Life, but Toph brushes her worries about the world while she's weak aside.  Does Korra really think the world can't revolve without her?  Korra points out that she's had to defeat some really bad enemies.  Toph says been there, done that.  Remember, Toph was the original chief of police for Republic City.  And she's beaten her share of bad guys and gals, too.  And crime just keeps right on coming.  Names change.  Streets stay the same.

Korra piteously begs again, and Toph relents, despite how much she wanted to bathe her feet in mud. Toph just can't let Twinkletoes go and get her butt kicked again by anyone but herself.  Korra's attempt to hug her out of gratitude is meant with a rock spiking out of the ground.  Toph tells Korra that hugging is for trees.  Korra complains a little that she's as grumpy as Lin Beifong.  Toph declares that she's the original Grumpy Beifong, and she'll out-grump Lin any day of the week.

Hugs are for water benders!

Bolin rejoices when he enters the hotel everyone's at for Wu's coronation.  He's overjoyed to be back in Republic City.  But the sight of crazy ex-girlfriend Eska, here as a head of state for the festivities throws him into a panic.  Eska takes his appearance well, complimenting him on his new girlfriend, Kuvira, for looking fierce and bossy.  When Bolin tries to correct her, calling Kuvira his boss, Eska informs Bolin that those should always be the same thing.  The hotel staff keeps Eska from elaborating, to notify her that there's been some sort of mistake, and she and Desna have the same room and only one bed.  Eska informs them that it's all part of her plan to make Desna sleep in the bath tub.  I guess there's no difference between boss and sister, either.

Varrick is already back to old tricks.  He's smug and arrogant following Kuvira browbeating a pardon out of Reiko for him.  He's already ordering Zhu Li to steal all the soap.  Preferably the lavender-scented kind.  Mako, tagging along with Wu, who lives in the hotel, spies Bolin and the two have their own sparring greeting before hugging it out.  Mako is impressed with how grown-up and important Bolin looks.  Bolin still can't believe he's got real responsibilities in life, and presses Mako for all he's been up to.  Mako can only point at Wu, preening in a nearby mirror, and hang his head.

Bolin looks sympathetic, but Mako is much more interested in what Bolin thinks of Kuvira.  He repeats the rumors he's heard, but Bolin totally minimizes it.  Bolin's excited as he recounts how the slum their family used to live in has been transformed.  He's excited about helping people and how the Earth Kingdom is now peaceful and regaining prosperity.  Sure, Kuvira can be "tough".  But think of all the good she's done!

Suyin Beifong doesn't appear to be thinking anything good as she receives a room key at the front desk.  Bataar, her oldest son, approaches after a hostile good-bye and a long absence.  Suyin immediately calls him Jr., which he tries to correct her out of doing.  Something tells me, he's been tired of being "Jr." for a while.  Suyin repeats the rumors of Kuvira's tyrannical methods to Bataar, who also minimizes complaints.  Instead, Bataar repeats the news he gave Opal:  Kuvira will soon be family, so it's time to let the old fight go.

Wu finally approaches the woman who has re-united his Kingdom for him.  His idea of gratitude is a little different; he arrogantly offers to help her career once he's King.  He has never looked more like a useless, self-important twerp.

Hey, I'll bet I can assume you like me

Kuvira looks him over.  She obviously doesn't need any career help from him.   Instead, she's already had Wu removed from the largest hotel suite and her own team has been placed in there instead.  Wu and his expensive things have unceremoniously been moved to a smaller suite.  Kuvira smiles, slightly, at Wu while she explains that she gets what she wants.  Wu does too, but only after much whining.  Kuvira means that she gets what she wants herself.

The next day's coronation approaches, and Wu is pacing the lobby under Mako's watchful eye.  Something's bothering him.  Politics in Ba Sing Se?  Reports of unhappy subjects?  No, he's waiting for the few Ministers left him to arrive with literally the only item of ceremonial importance they could salvage from Ba Sing Se's Royal Palace.  An earring.   Without the matching earring.  The elder minister tries to explain, but Wu is incensed that his grandfather's taffeta pantaloons won't give his coronation the required importance.  And, even Mako is concerned when the minister reveals that even the crown cannot be found.  Wu wants to know how anyone will even know he's really the king without one.

Korra, meanwhile, is excited that she gets to spar with Toph Beifong.  Her own bending of all the other elements is top notch, but Toph only needs one element to easily defeat her.  Toph even keeps at least one foot planted on the ground at all times, hands behind her back for almost the entire match.  Toph dodges Korra's elements by simply swaying and turning, then stomps her rock spikes at Korra with deadly accuracy.  Toph gets bored of the match after catapulting Korra into a nearby mud pool.  The frog-squirrel is as indignant about the interruption as Korra is about losing. Toph demands that Korra explain her mistake.

Korra is about to launch in some introspective talk, starting out with the fact that the was thinking.  Toph stops her, shouting that thinking was her mistake.  Korra instantly launches a second attack, which Toph also easily dodges and strikes back at, now launching Korra into a nice little water pool that Korra is in no hurry to escape.  Toph tells Korra that at least Aang was a better fighter that she was as she pries loose something attached to Korra, hurting her again.  Well, Korra is at least a little more difficult to beat than the swamp benders.

Korra decides it's talk time, and asks Toph why she left the world behind.  Toph scoffs at the idea that she did.  She tells Korra that the swamps roots are like the Internet, bringing her information about everything that's happening to her daughters and the world.  Is Korra remembering now that Toph can feel, through her feet on soil or rock, everything that happens? That she uses her feet to see?   Apparently not.  Because Korra tries to surprise her with a blast of water.  Toph easily blocks it and hits Korra with another rock, already bored with today's sparring.

Oh, are you trying now?

The leaders of the world look on as Wu is given the special salvaged Royal Earring to wear as a brooch.  He is bidden to stand, and does graciously, while his titles are recited.  Leaders from all over are attending, including Lord Zuko, the Fire Lord who retired, with his reigning Fire Lord daughter.  No grandson Iroh, though.  Asami does stand in the background with Mako.  Otherwise, it's a really dismal turnout of Republic City citizens and some Earth Realm subjects, some dressed in dark green uniforms.  Bolin sits in the front with Kuvira's team.  Wu approaches the microphone, thanking all for his brief ceremony, and calls Kuvira forward for honors.  As the woman to whom he owes his throne, he presents her with the Kyoshi Medal of Freedom, named for the almost-worshipped last Avatar of Earth.  Kuvira receives her award from Wu, and Wu seems grateful that Kuvira offers to speak and fill in some of the six hours that now won't be spent on entertaining him.

Wu stands off in the back of the stage while Kuvira points out that she grew up under the tutelage of Suyin Beifong, and learned that monarchies were archaic.  She points out that the rule of Earth Monarchs, especially, has been disastrous, and allowed for Zaheer to create complete chaos with one murder.  She points out that re-uniting the Earth Realm has taken the last three years of her life.  And that she has no faith in Wu to govern.  But Kuvira has a solution to the problem of handing over power to someone so unqualified.  She'll just stay in power, rename the place the Earth Empire, bring prosperity through technology and innovation, and won't tolerate anyone who tries to stop her. She demonstrates by throwing the Kyoshi Medal off her neck, suspending it in the air with metal bending, and then crushing it.  She leaves it as a pile of crushed junk on the stage.

How ya' like them apples?

Kuvira's team looks like they expected this all along, as do the other assorted people in dark green uniforms throughout the audience.  Only Bolin doesn't rise right away.  Although, he eventually does, and half-heartedly cheers for his boss.  Something tells me that Eska is going to like Kuvira.  As other Earth subjects also cheer, Wu can only declare that he's got the Royal Earring Brooch, and then hang his head in dejected defeat.

Bolin isn't so confident behind closed doors, but Varrick talks up all their advantages:  Kuvira actually controls the Earth Realm, and no one will try to stop the source of the world's metal, which is increasingly important in a new age of modern construction.  Varrick excitedly declares them the track owners of the world's train.  Zhu Li  enters, with a hunk of the vines now allowed to grow all over Republic City, and Varrick exits to get it back on Kuvira's train immediately.

Kuvira enters, herself, and Bolin expresses his fears about taking over the Earth Realm from its Monarch, but Kuvira reminds Bolin that they've done so much good for the Earth Empire, and its people.  Wu would only have served the interests of other world leaders.  Kuvira serves the people.  But she needs Bolin's help.  Bolin still isn't sure.  What about this talk of Empire?  And why would they ever want to crush anyone else?  Kuvira calls it "tough rhetoric" and kindly places her hand on his shoulder, giving him a small smile that convinces Bolin to say he'll stand by her.

Suyin Beifong isn't so easily dealt with.  She's been nominated by the other leaders to confront Kuvira, and demand that she recognize Wu as Earth King, and retreat from leading the Earth Kingdom.  Kuvira points out that Suyin is a little late to the world stage, refusing to help stabilize the Earth Kingdom when asked to.  Suyin says she just didn't want the power involved.  It's kind of a weak defense.  Suyin could have easily helped stabilize the Earth Realm, and then gone back home to govern Zao Fu.  Kuvira doesn't have her own city to go back to leading.

Suyin tells her to stand down, Kuvira says she's standing up.  She points out that Wu was picked by people outside the Earth Realm, and she won't let outsiders determine her nation's leader.  Suyin tells her she's no better, as cities that don't accept her leadership have met gruesome fates.  Kuvira only escalates, threatening Zao Fu if Suyin makes any trouble for her.

Wu, in his much smaller hotel suite, can only fume at the good times he and Mako won't have in Ba Sing Se, and declare that his jewelry is useless.  He's doing absolutely nothing to assert his authority, and even seems uninterested in traveling to the real Ba Sing Se.  Instead, he declares they'll go shopping at the nearby mall named for what was to be his capital city.  A suitcase of Mako's gray uniforms sits open on the dresser, and it appears Mako is already packing to go back to his old life as detective for Republic City.  When Bolin appears at the suite's door, Wu tries to shoo him off, but Mako simply takes Bolin into the hallway for some brother to brother talk.

Mako thinks Bolin should quit his job, as Kuvira is going against the wishes of the rest of the world.  Bolin thinks Kuvira has done a lot for everyone, already calling it the Earth Empire, and begs Mako to come with him, to see Kuvira's work for himself.  He talks up Varrick's experiments, and compares Kuvira to Korra, which horrifies Mako.  He literally expresses more emotion on his face at that one line than he has for three seasons.

Did he really just say that?

Mako calls Kuvira a dictator, who uses force to take what she wants. Bolin mocks Wu as a leader, to Wu's humiliation inside the hotel suite.  Mako doesn't want either Wu or Kuvira leading the Earth Realm, and when he tells Bolin he's working for a dictator again, Bolin storms off, reminding Mako that he's licking Wu's boots in the Junior Suite, while Bolin rides a Train of Freedom making history.

Rift created!  Does Kuvira think Bolin will choose her, though, if Kuvira threatens Team Korra in any way?  Or does Kuvira plan on making Bolin to afraid to defy her by then?  Wu offers the only comfort he can - shopping.  And a smoothie.

On the way back to cave, Korra can only feel tired and defeated, while Toph is excited about her victories, feeling like the old days when beat up Aang.  To Korra's mortification, she fantasizes how she'd destroy Korra if she was young again.  Toph isn't surprised Korra isn't doing well, with all that metal.  When Korra doesn't understand her, Toph turns and informs Korra that she's still contaminated with traces of the Red Lotus Poison, which was metallic.  Korra at first says that Suyin removed it, but Toph dismisses that.  She doesn't think her daughters can bend metal as well as she can.  So, when Korra bumrushes Toph, shouting that that's what she's doing in the swamp, Toph simply shoves Korra back down the little hill while agreeing to the operation.

Wu hasn't let not being an actual King stop him from deciding he'll buy whatever he wants, but he's mortified by two teenagers wearing Kuvira t-shirts.  He pulls them aside, demanding to know where they bought them, and angrily denounces the sellers and buyers when he finds them.  He's furious that Earth Realm descendants are supporting Kuvira in a mall named after the capital that should have been his.  When the customers, wearing dark green like Kuvira's team, won't respect Wu's brooch, Mako decides that it's time to pull Wu out.  When Wu throws a smoothie at his haters, Mako creates a fire diversion to escape, and yanks Wu away.  They escape to the food court, which Wu decides will do as a temporary throne room.  Wu tells the birthday kid trying to celebrate that he'll have to wait for next year as he rips off the cheap fake royal robes and throws himself down, a fake King on a cheap chair.

I decree free smoothies for me for life!

When Wu is finally on a throne, even if it's just a cheap copy of a chair that was looted years ago, Mako has had enough.  He demands that Wu tell him what his damage is.  Mako doesn't like Kuvira's coup, but he informs Wu that he is in no way qualified to be a king.  He reminds Kuvira that she's at least helped the people, which is why they want her to rule, and why even Wu himself would prefer to be ruled by her.  Wu, who thought Mako was on his side, can only sink into defeat.  Mako, realizing he's made Wu's day even worse, apologizes, but Wu agrees that he needed to be told how little he deserves to rule the Earth Realm.

Angry Earth Realm citizens storm the food court, so the therapy session is cut short.  Wu's childlike request to actually be carried gets a stern no from Mako.

Toph's therapy session is also cut short, due to the extreme pain Toph's metal bending takes on Korra.  Toph demands, even before starting, that Korra actually relax.  She calls Korra's body a twisted tree trunk.

Relax!  Now!  Or I'll yell at you again!

When Korra tells Toph that she is relaxed, a disbelieving Toph starts anyway, and Korra can only jump to sitting in the pain.  Toph says Korra is fighting her.  Korra has no idea what she means.  When Toph tries again, Korra flashes right back to Zaheer's method of killing by sucking the air right out of one's lungs.  Dying by asphyxiation produces panic, so it's no surprise that the flashback causes Korra to lose her focus.

Toph gives up, abandoning Korra.  Toph thinks Korra wants the metal still in her, despite Korra's demands that it be removed.  Korra tells her that's ridiculous, but Toph points out that keeping herself ill has kept her from having to confront whatever great enemies the world has, as a way of protecting herself.  If Korra really wants the metal bent out, she demands that Korra do it herself.  Korra, who couldn't even detect the metal still in her, has no idea how she'll come even close.  So, Toph tells her to take her complaints to Little Leaf, the spirit that guided her to Toph. In the meantime, she's found the perfect spot to avoid responsibilities.

Back at Air Temple Island, Tenzin has come up with his own way to challenge Kuvira.  He enlists the three air benders he knows best.  They're talented and devious, and they've been working together as a team since birth. Only problem, is that they're all ridiculously young.  And his own children, who he is now sending away to find Korra.  He has his doubts, but Meelo brushes them off, saying that Tenzin can definitely count on him.  The two older sisters, Iki and Jinora, just as determined as he is, are rightly insulted by Meelo casting doubt on them.  They are all definitely excited about their first big mission.

Saving the world is kids' stuff!

Back on the Train of Earth Empire Freedom, no doubt headed to Ba Sing Se, Varrick is playing with the spirit vine Zhu Li brought him earlier.  He's excited, like an architect with a deluxe Lego set, and the vine is mounted into some sort of huge machine that will do who knows what with it.  Does Kuvira know about this?

Yes, she does!  And she tells Varrick that it's his greatest priority right now.  The news makes Varrick happy, as what he's about to do will change everything.  Or make a mess Zhu Li has to clean up.  Or both.

Missing from this episode:  Stalker Korra.  Looks like Korra found the perfect place to get away from her too.  Notice Toph having no advice and no encouragement, while Katara used them as the foundations of her therapy.  Does Katara even know that Toph is alive?  They got along perfectly well when young.  Toph was Aang's bestie, while Katara became his wife.  Does Toph monitor Katara too, through the roots of the world?  She never mentions Katara, even though she probably knows her old friend is alive.  She only mentions Aang, and all the fun they had.  Or rather, that she had.

And does Kuvira actually believe that Varrick can invent something game-changing with the spirit vine?  Does Kuvira really think she can mess with an artifact of the spirit world with technology?  Crushing General Iroh and the United Forces is one thing.  But the spirit world can give her far more trouble.  Or is the spirit vine the secret to securing her power from all takers?

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