Friday, October 24, 2014

On Lost Children - Scandal - Season 4, Episode 5

There's a brief pause in this episode, where Olivia ponders aloud what every moment must be like for parents who don't know yet their child is dead.  The musing is sad, and sweet and filled with the pain and torture of the not knowing.  And it's ruined by a clueless Huck, who informs Olivia in gory detail that the not knowing would last less than a week.  Olivia is not reassured.  Huck has just reduced a murdered teenager to her decomposing body.

She's usually scolding dishonest clients, or her dad, or Fitz.   This is one of the few times Olivia pauses to reflect.   This is also the only time so many lost kids have affected the characters.  Catelyn's best friend (now that she's dead, I can remember her name is Faith) is murdered while Quinn and Olivia call 911 trying to save her.  Discovering Jerry Jr. was murdered sends Mellie and Fitz into drastic action (in Mellie's case, it's relative).  Rowan and Olivia are now openly warring over whether Jake ordered Jerry's death, which Jake has realized everyone wants him to pay for.  Huck comes so close to seeing his precious son, Javi, and erupts when his son is denied him.  Catelyn's dad literally knowingly shares a park bench with his daughter's killer while his wife sits in jail accused of the crime.

Aside:  who here is now a little paranoid of ever actually visiting the parks of Washington, D.C.? Do visitors have to worry about overhearing murder and cover-ups of murder plots?

Olivia starts her work for Kathryn by reviewing the footage, seen two episodes ago, of Catelyn, in an elevator somewhere, fighting over a file folder with an unknown man.  Kathryn, unlike super sleuths Quinn and Huck, can identify him- he is in charge of her lawyer husband's firm's security.  His name is Stan Kubiak, and he's identified as a dirty cop from the get-go.  Quinn stakes out Kubiak at some apartment somewhere, and quizzes a restless Olivia on why she's deigning to watch how the sausage is made.  Olivia outright admits that she's avoiding having to admit that Jake is avoiding her.

The girl talk is cut short when Kubiak gets company.  Olivia and Quinn are puzzled when they make out Catelyn's bestie, Faith.  They'd love to hear it, especially Olivia, but Quinn can't find the microphone and Huck is not helpful on the phone when Quinn asks him where it is.  Perhaps Huck could just swing by from his ex-wife's house, where he's blatantly parked on the street in front of her house, with the microphone in the open window.

Quinn and Olivia don't wish for the mic for long; Kubiak gets violent with Faith almost right away, and Olivia decides to call 911 immediately.  Both women are shouting their amazement that Faith doesn't try to flee, only placing both hands firmly on her mouth as she backs away from Kubiak, who approaches with a gun.  Olivia and Quinn have a major freakout as Faith is shot.

Back at Gladiator HQ, Huck deflects all questions about where he was with the latest on the police investigation.  The scene was determined clean of any evidence (besides the dead body, and hopefully, the slug in the victim), and Kubiak has been provided with an alibi from his old cop buddies.

Fitz does everything except pace the Oval Office floor as the interrogation of Jake proceeds in a dimly lit with green light room in the Pentagon.  Cy has to play nanny, literally offering to escort the President to bed so the staff can go home.  Cy also has to tell Fitz that the questioning is going to take as long as it takes, like a driving parent with a kid in the backseat.  Cy tells Fitz that he can only speed things up with a less Constitutional method, but Fitz also wants his hands kept clean for a change.

Olivia leaves Jake another voicemail, sounding like a woman who doesn't want to be a needy clinger, but still puzzled over his silence.  Rowan takes the chance to mosey on by with multiple bottles of red wine.  He claims to know something is wrong by seeing Olivia has been downing the cheap stuff.  And he raised her better.  He tries to distract Olivia from her worrying with the drama of two, count them, two! rare bird exhibits at the Smithsonian at the same time, but Rowan's cover job will have to wait.  Olivia confides that the not knowing whether Jake is in danger, or just her relationship with him is, is killing her.

You.  Me.  Good Wine.  Your lies.

Olivia doesn't know whether to call her fellow Gladiators or change her Facebook status to "Single".  Rowan, despite Olivia telling him how uncomfortable it makes her, tries to diplomatically remind his daughter that guys have no respect for "the schedules of ladyfriends".  

Jake looks like he's not thinking about Olivia's schedule.  For the last two days, Jake has refused food and water and refused to answer  his interrogator's one, repeated question.  Bill The Interrogator simply repeats the same question:  "Did you order the killing of the President's son?"  Jake thinks that if he sits tight and shows how tough he is, Fitz will come.   And get him uncuffed.  Jake calmly tells Bill to stop interrogating him, because he'll only talk to Fitz.  When Jake gets physical, pushing Bill back with his unsecured legs, the room is instantly full of armed guards surrounding Jake.  Jake is unconcerned.  He's back on the beach, with curly Olivia.

Totally not worried. 

Mellie is also perfectly calm as Fitz tries to re-insult her and she basically says "So, what?"  Fitz tries demanding she return to California if she wants to be deadweight, but she refuses to leave the city her son is buried in.  That would interfere with her daily tombstone visit.  Their daily tombstone visit, she reminds him.

Catelyn's dad, Jeremy has two distinct conversations in the same scene, one by flashback where all he can do to his daughter's killer is express his powerless contempt.  Quinn's got the microphone back and learned that they're looking for a key that Catelyn hid.  The key opens a locker, but since no one has the key yet, the locker isn't a priority.   Olivia, ambushing him in a restaurant, gets a reaction more like fear from him.  Olivia's contempt scares Jeremy a little, because Olivia Pope has a way of finding secrets out, which kind of ruins his meal.

David calls Abby, drunk and still guilt-ridden over Judge Sparks' B-613 file-related suicide.  He wants to come over to the White House, where Abby admits she basically lives now.  He tries an old nickname for her, calling her "Abs".  It fails, because Abby simply hangs up on him.

Olivia calls Jake again, and gives him a five-minute deadline before she calls the Gladiators in to find him.  Huck is stationed outside his ex-wife's again, when Olivia calls him to put him on Jake's trail.  Huck will get to that the second his ex-wife, Kim, is done blasting him for spying on her and their son, Javi.  Again.  She's tired of calling the cops.  She's tired of his spying on them so long after he just disappeared.  She's tired of his ridiculous story of secret torture and murder and imprisonment in a hole in the floor.  She's tired of him, and tells him never to come back.  Huck seems apologetic, but even more desperate for her to believe him.

Quinn updates Olivia on the whole Catelyn-key situation, and Olivia leaves her to brainstorm on where the key is.  Huck arrives back in the office with a long, jargon-filled explanation for tracking Jake through his cellphone and, apparently, chemtrails.  Huck says Jake was last at the White House.  Then he disappeared.

Olivia calls Fitz first, who gets the call as he and Cy are having yet another conversation about Jake.  Fitz answers but outright stonewalls her.  Fitz hangs up, but Cy tells him that Olivia has only begun as Olivia calls Cy at this office.  He instructs the assistant to cover for him, but he must realize it's only a matter of time until Olivia shows up in the Oval Office, hands crossed over her chest, with that pained-search-for-the-truth look on her face.  As Fitz decides to see Jake himself, Olivia tries Abby, who almost takes a gleeful pleasure in telling Olivia to fuck herself.  Abby then gets the pleasure of telling David the same thing when he calls to insist that only going to lunch together will erase the awkwardness of last night's drunk dialing.  Abby hangs up right away and gets back to scurrying around the White House.

Fitz arrives in Jake's interrogation room at the Pentagon.  But not before a table, extra chair, and a meal are also delivered.  Jake knows what this means.  He turns to Bill the Former Interrogator and dismisses him, but not before advising him to stand right before Fitz rushes in and sits himself down across from Jake.  We don't even notice Bill's exit as Jake eats while telling Fitz everything he knows, telling Fitz that Jerry Jr.'s death was on Rowan's command, and that Rowan also killed Olivia's employee and friend, Harrison.  Fitz and Jake share a relaxing moment while Jake tells him that he imagined an old R&B hit to keep sane.  Fitz wants to make sure that Jake is well fed, and is in his right mind, because his plan to screw Jake depends on Jake's confession looking above-board.  Jake stops eating once he realizes Fitz means to pin Jerry's death on him, no matter what the truth is.

Jake also realizes why Fitz is really so angry with him, and so happy to believe Jake wanted Jerry Jr. dead.  Fitz himself brings up Jake's island vacation with Olivia, and Jake laughs the laugh of the damned no matter what.  Fitz doesn't just want a confession.  He wants to throw a party after Jake's execution.  Fitz's self-pitying frowny face is at its deepest while Jake tries to remind Fitz that he's supposed to be one of the good guys.  One of Olivia's White Hats.  A White Hat would never execute an innocent man.  Would he?

Jake has a solution.  Fitz can leave, look past his obvious and petty jealousy, and realize that Rowan is setting Jake up and using Fitz's grief and jealousy to get away with it.  Jake looks slightly desperate, as if he's not entirely ready to die, as Fitz stalks out.

Huck has decided to get in trouble with ex-wife Kim again.  She threatens a restraining order, but Huck promises that if she'll just let him meet Javi, just once, he will go away for good.  Kim looks doubtful, but tells him to come back later, at night.

Mellie is all ready for her afternoon appointment at Jerry's tombstone, but when the world's most patient assistant Lauren tells her Fitz is not available and not reachable, and apparently missing, Mellie has The Freakout.  Thinking that Fitz is with his mistress, abandoning her to grieve for Jerry Jr. all alone.  While he is with his mistress.  This is the fuck-up Mellie has been looking for to get even worse.

Progressing to kettlecorn, now

Quinn has the best day of everyone.  She suddenly realizes why Faith may have put both hands at her mouth before being shot- because she was making herself swallow the key.  Or something.  Either way, Quinn decides the key is actually lodged in Faith's body.  She triumphantly recites this to Huck, while wrapping a present for him.  Quinn wants to know who it's for, but Huck is too preoccupied rehearsing the monumental father-son talk that's coming.

Quinn's trip to the morgue, where she brazenly hauls out Faith's corpse and successfully digs, bare-handed, for a key in Faith's abdomen is actually easier to watch than Huck's call on Kim and Javi.  There's no Javi.  Just some doctor Kim called over to talk Huck into getting therapy for his "delusions" and his obsession with his family.  Huck at first combs the ground floor for Javi, refusing to believe that Kim got the better of him.  When he realizes he's been had, he takes his rage out on the doctor, holding him by the throat against a wall.  Only Kim's threat that if he doesn't let go of the doctor and leave, he'll definitely never see Javi again gets through to him.  He leaves, but somehow I doubt he'll trust Kim now.  He'll come up with his own plan to see his son.

Olivia, like her hypothetical parents of a missing, dead child, still doesn't know where Jake is.  Cyrus comes to her late at night, at her apartment.  He's subdued, but deadly serious, as he informs Olivia just what Jake is charged with.  He tells her outright that Jake killed Harrison.  Olivia is shocked, but Cy has had a day to deal with this, and he also tells Olivia that he will dance on Jake's grave for killing James.  Olivia isn't going to get any favors from Cy on this.  Cy may have been a terrible husband, but he can at least make sure his husband's killer is executed.  And Cy plans on never talking about this again.  Because he's decided Jake is guilty too.

Olivia finally tries Rowan.  If B-613 did, indeed, kill Jerry Jr., that leaves Rowan as the only other suspect and Olivia outright accuses Rowan of killing both Jerry and Harrison in his office.  Rowan flat out denies it, which we all know is a lie,  He ascribes the same motives to Jake for killing Jerry Jr. and Harrison that he had.  Namely, revenge against Fitz for his affair with Olivia and Olivia's love for Fitz.  Rowan knew that Olivia's guilt from thinking her mother killed Jerry Jr. would keep her away from Fitz for good.  He now tells Olivia that it was Jake's goal.

How I got into your secret spy office is irrelevant

When Olivia points out the obvious, that her dad would never have let her live with Jake, alone and isolated, if he thought Jake was a murderer.  Rowan acts like a wishy-washy dad.  He claims that he knew Jake well enough from his days in B-613, and from recent events, that he knew Jake would never hurt Olivia.  And, Olivia seemed so happy with him.  And Rowan just wanted Olivia to be happy.  Does Olivia buy this?

Look, I'm only framing him for two murders...

Quinn strides into Gladiator HQ, ready to show off her key and pick up her medal.  Instead, she gets an obviously upset Huck, who now must tell her all.  He's in despair from being denied his son, and Kim not believing his story, and Quinn, despite all their recent anger, feels the need to comfort him with a hand on his shoulder.  Huck and Quinn rediscovering the friendship might be the only good thing that comes down the road.

Fitz returns from his unsuccessful attempt to get Jake executed to find that Mellie has sent home the assistant, and is waiting to confront Fitz and guilt him over seeing his mistress when he was supposed to be at Jerry's grave.  She wants to take Fitz's judgement of her and fling it back in his face, so Fitz erupts and spills the beans on Jake.

Fitz realizes that he might just have made Mellie worse, and turns away in obvious regret, declaring that they need to stop attacking each other.  Mellie can barely hold her drink, but she gets everything Fitz knows out of him.  Fitz thinks he can comfort Mellie by reassuring her that he'll make their son's killer pay.  Mellie finds her own comfort.  To Fitz's growing horror, Mellie starts out relieved that her son's death wasn't some freak accident.  She goes on to Jerry's death getting them the victory they needed to stay in the White House.  She ends with Jerry bravely sacrificing himself for Fitz's victory.  Jerry becomes their own personal war hero.  Fitz can't take anymore.  He demands the old Mellie back and refuses to let her stay in the Oval Office one more minute.  And he bans her from ever mentioning Jerry again.  If she's going to go crazy with grief, she can go on her own.

David is graduating to full-fledged stalking by literally falling asleep in Abby's office.  She wakes him from his drunken stupor, resembling Fitz trying to rouse his wife.  Abby wants David out so she can get back to ignoring all her old friends.  But, David has a lot of guilt to work through, and a lot of blame to lay at Olivia's feet.  He recites his use of the B-613 files to get what he's wanted.  He admits to Abby that he wanted to win.  That other people always being more powerful and able to kill anything good he's wanted to do drove him to blackmail.  That he loved winning, until it left a nine-year-old fatherless.  And he blames Olivia.  Or rather, their own desires to be as awesome and victorious as her.  But not as Gladiators.  Because you only really get Olivia's awesomeness if you're on her team.

I coulda' been a contender!

Abby goes straight to Olivia, to basically blame Olivia for David crossing the line and devolving into a mess because of it.  Olivia is not in the mood to be called poison, but when she breaks, it's to cry as she tells Abby what Rowan and Cy accused Jake of.   Olivia doesn't want to believe it.  All three of the most important men in her life have ganged up on the one man who was willing to take her away and just love her.  She may be powerless to stop them.  She may have to face losing Jake.  And she can't.  Abby's not sure of what to think, but she knows enough to hold Olivia, making comforting sounds.

Mellie faces herself in the mirror.  Well, she thinks, are you going to be worthy of Jerry's brave sacrifice?  The Uggs come off, and Mellie steps into the hot water.  Did she expect it to hurt?  She looks relieved that it's just cleansing water.

Fitz returns to Jake's interrogation room.  Without food.  Jake still denies having anything to do with Jerry Jr.'s death as Fitz literally rolls up his sleeves, like some TV dirty cop.  Fitz's first blow isn't bad, but the blows keep coming and get worse.  It's not long until Jake is a bloody mess who tells Fitz that Rowan is playing him.  Jake is calm because he knows that Fitz probably knows he's innocent.  Jake may be executed, but they both know why.  And they both know why Fitz is in that room, demanding a confession through violence.  Because a man isn't supposed to beat a man who his former mistress ran away with, who the woman he loves loves.  But, he can be excused for beating a man who killed his kid.

Jake's not going to down nobly.  Already bloody, he goes right to taunting Fitz about Olivia as Fitz continues pummeling him.   Jake, however, isn't there.  He's back on that beach. Curly Olivia is smiling at him.  He's smiling back.  Did he know, somehow, that coming back could mean the end of him?

Is Fitz losing his shit because he wishes he could be as absurd in his grief as Mellie?  Is he really losing his shit because he still can't accept that Olivia is trying to move on?  Does he really think that Rowan is right? Or honest?  At this point?

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