Monday, March 24, 2014

Tunnel of Love - Walking Dead - Season 4, Episode 15

What a tease.  A reunion is shown, and another one is planned, probably next week in the season finale.

Rick, Michonne and Carl are moseying down the tracks.  Things have been so good that Michonne and Carl openly goof around.

We could have been there by now, fuckers

No idea how close they are to Terminus, except that the preview for next week indicates they are within a couple days walking.  There's something about a candy bar and a bet that involves the rail.  Notice that Carl, though he wins the bet, wants to share with Michonne anyway.  Someone, not naming names, someone litters.

Behind them, by about a day, on the same track, are Darryl and his new buddies.  Among them is Tony, he of the robbed bed from about four episodes ago.  Turns out he wasn't dead, and he'll recognize Rick when they catch up to him.  Darryl, for the moment, is arguing over a rabbit that he tracked since dawn only to see it shot from him by Len, the creepy guy who likes his angel wing jacket.

The night's first casualty

Len tries claiming the rabbit from Darryl, who bags it for himself.  Len tries taunting Darryl into violence, and almost succeeds, when Smoky Joe materializes to settle things.

Not sure mocking his dead girlfriend's a good idea, dude

Joe gives Darryl a break, not wanting to punish Darryl when he didn't know the rules, and gives halves of the rabbit to both Len and Darryl.  Hey, the ass end's still an end.  

The Wisdom of Solomon at work

Proceeding down the tracks, Joe explains that they claim stuff, like an unending game of dibs, to keep order.  Since it's a rule that can apply to almost any situation or disagreement, it's one of the few rules they need, in addition to punishing lying and stealing.  And the punishment depends entirely on what the others feel like doing to you.  Joe has figured out that they don't need to be buddy buddy, they just need to cooperate well enough to live without tearing each other apart.  Considering that they killed one of their own for being a coward four episodes ago, and Len's fate tonight, I'm not sure that's working out.

Joe, however, is pretty sanguine about the group, and spends their conversations convincing Darryl that he'll fit right in with this group.  When Darryl insists that he's not  the wild man the rest of them are, Joe tells Darryl to stop thinking like an indoor cat.  Joe knows all about cats, being a cat guy himself.

Rapist.  Murderer. Animal Lover.

Glen, Tara, Abraham, Rosita, and Eugene are proceeding down the tracks, presumably because Glenn thinks Maggie might be going to Terminus too.  They are camped for the night, with people sleeping on or near the tracks, Abraham and Tara keeping watch.   Tara says she has this, and Abraham should go to sleep. Abraham points out that Tara hasn't slept, and he's not leaving her alone to guard Eugene, who he still thinks is going to save the world.  Abraham, continuing his thing of guessing why Tara is helping Glenn, muses that, at first, he thought that Tara was in love with Glenn.  He felt sorry for her, helping the guy she loved find his wife.  That is, until he realized Tara is gay.  He shares Tara's fascination with Rosita's breasts. The next morning, we see that Eugene isn't quite as perceptive, and is talking Tara's ear off about zombies possibly killing off the dinosaurs and making homemade batteries (him, not the zombies).

Turns out, Glenn is right, and they see a bloody note on a Terminus sign, indicating that Maggie, Bob and Sasha are heading there together (also indicating it was written after they reunited and decided together to go to Terminus).  Glenn runs down the tracks like a kid running for presents, as if he doesn't care that he could be running for some time.  When they pass an abandoned tower, they argue over whether to rest, with Abraham pointing out that no one's been sleeping.  The argument ends when a falling zombie causes characters to run out of the way, knocking Tara over so she can, once again, injure her ankle.  It really sucks to be Tara's ankle on this show.  Tara's fine with going on, but Rosita shames Glenn into letting her rest.  Glenn and Abraham make a trade- if they keep on until sunset, Glenn will give Eugene is body armor.

Smoky Joe and the Henchmen reach an abandoned garage along the tracks, and decide it's perfect for the night.  Darryl wanders from car to car just as someone else claims it for himself, leaving Darryl the floor with his rabbit bag as his pillow.  After taking a much needed potty break, he returns to settle down for a nap, only to be interrupted by Len, accusing him of stealing the other half of the rabbit and keeping it in that bag he's resting his head on.  Ew.  Darryl insists that Len is lying, and accuses him of messing with his bag while he was out.  Joe, acting as referee, finds the other half of the rabbit in the bag, and asks Darryl if he stole the rabbit.  Darryl continues to deny stealing the rabbit part.  Joe, moseys over to Len and asks if Len put the rabbit in the bag, which he denies.  Joe solves the problem by hitting Len so hard he falls down, and tells the others to go to work on him.

Turns out, Joe saw Len try to frame Darryl.  When Darryl asks why he went through the whole charade of a trial, Joe looks amused as he tells Darryl he wanted to trap Len in a lie, implying that Len has the beating he's currently getting coming.  Joe rewards Darryl for his honesty with the rest of the rabbit.  After all, Len won't be needing it.

Glenn and Co. reach another note from Maggie, this one appearing fresh, but the tracks lead into a train tunnel and disappear into darkness. All they know is that they can hear a shitload of zombies in there and Abraham refuses to take Eugene through.  So they part, amazingly amicably, with Glenn handing over his riot gear, and Abraham giving them food and a flashlight.  Glenn apologizes to Abraham for hitting him that day in the cornfield.  Abraham has no grudge, insisting that he loves a good fight.  Eugene tries to dazzle Tara one last time, and she outright comes out to him.  Eugene is completely unconvincing when he tells her he knew that.

Yeah, awesome gaydar, Eugene

Abraham, Rosita and Eugene leave the tracks.  They quickly find a vehicle to drive and a soccer mom zombie to put down.  Rosita and Eugene quickly fall to squabbling over who will give directions.  Rosita points out that she doesn't think Eugene can do anything useful;  Eugene points out that he's gotten them halfway along without getting lost.  So, Rosita tells Eugene to just find the way north, and they pile into the minivan.  Abraham passes out in the back.

Glenn and Tara inch their way through the tunnel, keeping their minds occupied by talking about Tara's guilt over listening to the Governor and surviving when her family is dead.  They find the zombies, trapped in a pile of rubble and oozing relatively fresh zombie blood.  Tara figures the cave in was about a day ago.  Glenn and Tara put zombies down in the rubble so they can climb to the top.  As the look over the other side of the rubble, about a dozen zombies shuffle over, reaching up for them.  Tara thinks they'll have to go back.  Glenn, after scanning each zombie face, tells Tara that none of his friends are among the undead, so they must have gotten through somehow.  Tara is doubtful, but Glenn's got a plan.  They distract the undead with the flashlight and another zombie on the far side of the pile, and quietly scurry down out of sight of them.  With any luck, they'll be past the zombies and can just zip away.  It goes great, until Tara, obviously not wearing adequate footwear, loses her footing from her bad ankle and gets her foot stuck near the bottom of the pile.  Glenn is trying to free her foot, as the zombies start to realize something's up.

Rosita is sure that Eugene is lost.  Either that, or Eugene really likes left turns that bring them back to the tracks.  Stopping on Eugene's last-second command, Rosita realizes what Eugene's real plan was:  based on Glenn and Tara's approximate speed, they should be appearing soon, and Team Abraham can pick them up and be on their way.  Rosita insists on leaving, and that Washington is their only task.  Eugene tells her that he won't rest easy if they leave Team Glenn behind.  Rosita wakes up Abraham to settle their dispute, and he's laying into Rosita for stopping at all when Eugene yells at them, and they all stare blankly into the distance at whatever is approaching.

It's either Bigfoot or the Chupacabra

Tara's ankle is the shittiest ankle ever.  Still caught in rubble, Tara tells Glenn to leave her and go.  They're arguing in totally audible whispers when the zombies shuffle over, trick totally not working anymore.  Glenn and Tara empty their guns, and there are still about seven zombies when they hear people running towards them from the tunnel opening, yelling at Glenn to get down.  Which he does, just before gunshots take out the rest of the zombies.  Glenn emerges, only to see...


There's a sweet and firelit group pow-wow that night in the tunnel, which they've made safe to sleep in.  Everyone's in a good mood.  Even Tara, who has been introduced to the Prison Gang as someone Glenn met on the road.  Maggie hugs the woman who watched the Governor kill her dad.  Sasha interrupts everything, amazed that no one told her about Eugene's mission.  Sasha, more than anyone else, tends to hop right on new information, and she's fascinated by Eugene's mission, and the possibility that he could stop the zombie pandemic.  Tara is all for going to Washington at any time.  Glenn and Maggie think the rest of their friends are at Terminus, and have no interest in going anywhere else.  Abraham is for taking Tara and going.  Eugene overrides him, telling Abraham they'll find a better car, supplies, and maybe a few recruits for the mission at Terminus.  Sash and Bob agree to go with Team Abraham, if they can stop at Terminus first to see if any of their family and friends are alive there.  Abraham, acting like he's in charge, tells them they go all the way down the line tomorrow.  So, after weeks of brooding, mind-changing and soul-searching, our characters are ready to make a lot of decisions right away.

Glenn and Maggie bask in their togetherness.  Maggie fills him in on the story of how the pile of rubble came down, telling Glenn she thought it's what he would have done when they got swarmed in the tunnel earlier.  She starts going through his stuff, and comes across the Polaroid taken weeks ago.  Both remembering happier times, Maggie takes out a lighter.  Glenn tries to stop her, telling her it's his only picture of her.  She tells him that he'll never need it again, because they are now fucking John and Yoko.  Let's hope that works out better for Team Abraham than it did for the Beatles.

Joe and The Henchmen leave the garage the next morning.  Darryl passes the body of Len, freshly killed and put down.  Totally missed an opportunity to claim the arrow, dude.  He attempts to cover the body with an old blanket, but gives up on the idea.  Darryl, more than the others, appears stubborn, but he's actually very malleable, adjusting quickly to the vibe of whoever he's with.  Chatting with Joe over hooch as they return to the tracks, leaping into the Claimed Game over a radish, Darryl is quickly proving Joe right.  Joe fills Darryl in on the plan for revenge against someone who killed one of their own and set him to turn on the others as they come across a sign for Terminus.  Joe's gang tracked Rick to the tracks, and figures that's where he's going.  Darryl wonders why they don't just go to Terminus.  Joe reminds Darryl that there really isn't Sanctuary for all; their group certainly wouldn't be welcome.  The look on Darryl's face says that he agrees, and he continues on with his new buddies as they walk over a leftover candy bar wrapper.  Darryl, after promising Beth he wouldn't go back to thinking he was no good, has gone back to just that.

United Teams Abraham, Glenn and Maggie reach Terminus.

Subtlety is not their strong suit

It's pretty quiet, with only a chain wrapped around a fence for protection.  No guards, no zombies.  They proceed quietly through the outer yard, guided by signs that tell them to proceed and lower their weapons.  They pass a courtyard with well-tended plants, and laundry stations.  Like the opposite of Dorothy's triumphal entry into Emerald City.

Are you going to give us flower necklaces like they do in Hawaii?

There's almost no sign of anyone there, until they see a lone woman tending a picnic area dominated by a person-sized barbecue grill.  Her name is Mary, and boy, is she happy to help them settle in and get a plate.

My name is Mary, and I'm definitely not trapping you here

So, what is Terminus?  Oh, too bad for those who haven't read the graphic novel, because that barbecue is all the clue I need.  Let's just say that there's a reason why Terminus appears a little understaffed.

How long until Darryl realizes that Joe and his new buds are tracking Darryl's besties?  With Rick, Michonne, and Carl joining with Darryl, will they be able to defeat Joe and the Henchmen? And what will Darryl tell his friends about Beth's disappearance?  Will anyone look for her now?  And why couldn't Maggie spend two seconds asking Glenn if he saw Beth?  This is probably the first time in recorded history that a blonde white girl has gone missing and no one gives a shit.


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