Thursday, October 31, 2013

Down On The Farm - Walking Dead, Season 4, Episode 1

We start off with decorating, a slow shot of potted plants by the steps to the cellblock, and Rick, looking exactly as he did about 9 months ago.  The prison has come along lately, thanks to more people, new gates combined with spikes, and a farmyard.  Cisterns with pumps provide shower water, and they’ve even gotten a horse.  Hershel has a fancy new prosthetic leg, and ‘Lil Asskicker has a new bonnet.  Carl no longer wears his father’s old deputy hat.  Or carries a gun.  Beth has found a mall with the latest fashions.  Glenn and Maggie have grown out their hair.  Daryl is now a celebrity in Prisonville, when once he was the redneck little brother who took Merle’s shit and was only valued for his hunting. 

Rick is listening to the most awful country music I have ever heard, from an unseeable source, probably an iPod.  He digs through mud in one of the farm fields, accidentally finding an old, possibly rusted out handgun.  Left there when Woodburyans fled the prison attack? Did Hershel leave it by mistake when the Governor ambushed them?  Rick takes out his earbud, yanks out the ammo clip, and throws the weapon and its ammo into his wheelbarrow.  Dude, there could be a bullet in the chamber.  Be a little more careful next time.  We realize, as this is happening, that Rick’s music is to drown out the moans and screams of his audience of walkers at the fence.  They are much louder this season, as if two years of undead-ness has made them more desperate, more obnoxious.  Rick grimaces at them, the way we look with pity at the People of Walmart.  A walker with eyes sunken way back into his sockets and old dried blood stains leaking from said eye sockets is especially gross.  Rick puts the earbud back in, and goes back to digging in the mud.

Prisonville has taken on numerous newbies:  Sasha, Tyrese, and Karen from Woodbury, plus Zach and Bob from who knows where.  And, for some reason, Harry Potter got stuck in Georgia during the Zombiepocalypse.  He is on kitchen duty with Carol, witnessing Carol and Daryl share an old friends moment.  Potter cannot resist thanking Daryl for a fresh deer by shaking his hand.  Daryl is stuck, holding a bowl while eating with the other hand, so he licks the fingers of his free hand before shaking.  To his credit, Potter doesn’t beat an eyelash over it.  I guess Daryl’s spit is worth something.   Food, of course, is an elemental that is not conjurable by magic. So Harry Potter needs Daryl to actually bring in some in order to cook it by magic.  Carol pulls Daryl aside, leaving Patrick in the kitchen, to show him new walkers lining the fences, with Fence Cleaners (yes, an actual job description in Prisonville) already at work on them.  But the morons are too close together, so the walkers bunch up and can be a threat.  Daryl points out that the walkers need spreading out, and that when his team leaves on a scavenging mission, that should draw some off.  But Carol is insistent – he won’t have as big a team as he wants, as Carol needs these walkers cleaned out before her big tea party tomorrow.

Glenn and Maggie wake up.  It is ridiculously cute as they debate whether Maggie should go on the supply run today. I’m so over the cuteness.

Tyrese finds Karen, the diplomat who ended last season’s war in thirty seconds, and tells her that Fence Cleaning just ain’t his bag, but killing them beyond the fences seems a little easier to him.  Karen seems nonplussed at someone who’s ditching duty to go out, but it turns out they’re a couple, so she lets him off the hook.  Zach, a teenager from who knows where, sees Beth dressed up like Madonna in Desperately Seeking Susan, and they have a romance novel moment before Beth walks away, refusing to say goodbye.  Bob, a man on his own until Daryl brought in him a week prior to the episode, asks Sasha, who is almost in the car, if he can come.  He wants to earn his way here, but I think he could just as easily Fence Clean, or do the breakfast dishes (unless Harry Potter has already done them by magic).  Glen vouches for him, as Bob was a medic in the Army.  Already trained to work in a team, with some emergency medicine knowledge, Bob could be handy today.  So Sasha reluctantly agrees.

Rick sees Carl, who looks like an actual kid again, and razzes him for reading comics all night.  They look over a pig on the other side of a corral, whom Carl has named Violet.  Rick razzes him about naming food, and they both wonder, why is the pig sick?  Isn’t there a veterinarian somewhere who could help them?!?!?!  But I digress, because Michonne rides a horse to Prisonville’s new nifty gate, with stakes in a weird arrow configuration that makes it possible to open/close them quickly with very little chance walkers could get in.  I’m going to guess Michonne thought of it.  After handing Carl new comics, she hands Rick a razor and tells him to at least put some effort in.  She tells them “no sign of him”, and all know who the “him” is, including Daryl who has just ridden up.  Michonne and Daryl debate whether it’s worth it to ride up to Macon, which is 70 miles away.   There’s no resolution, and Rick has no interest in mediating or deciding this for them.  Michonne decides to go out with the supply run, and Rick tells Carl to brush the horse down and then go play, and maybe even attend storytime.

Carl good-naturedly agrees.  Gone is the little shit who thought he was a mini-adult and shot another kid just cause he thought the other kid might shoot him first.  Carl’s whole character has reverted to basically, the beginning of season 2.  He is a kid, a tweenie, who wants to see the Grand Canyon again.  It has made him whole and easier to manage, but what happens when he’s really an adult?  This ain’t Peter Pan, and Prisonville ain’t Neverland. 

Hershel and Rick have a conversation about replanting leaves to increase what I’m guessing is a strawberry crop.  Hershel also takes this moment to tell us, the viewers, that Prisonville is governed by a council (Hershel, Sasha, Daryl, Carol and probably someone else, I want to say Glenn), and the moment to tell Rick that said council has decided that when Rick leaves Prisonville to check the game traps, he has to take his gun.  Rick has been getting along with a knife recently, and I don’t blame him.  Firing a gun without the most dire need right where they live should have been forbidden by the council, but I guess they worry Rick needs a firearm.  So he takes his gun.  The game traps are a bit in the magic forest, where Rick encounters a wild pig, still breathing but downed by something.  As he approaches, he hears the characteristic sound of a walker approaching, and sees a female in old, dirty clothes practically collapse on the boar.  He decides to retreat, but the female hears him.  Instead of attacking, she calls out to him.  This was a great twist on the whole let-a-zombie-approach-because-you-think-the-dead-person-still-exists-in-there.  Instead of a zombie, we get an extremely dirty woman with an Irish accent.  Turns out she was on her way to her honeymoon with hubbie, stuck in an airport for four days, and on the run ever since when walkers got into the airport.  Hubbie is a short walk away, so Rick decides to go back to her camp with her, take a look at hubbie, and decide whether they can come to Prisonville if they answer his questions three. Literally. He has three mystery questions for them.  What is this, a bridge in Monty Python’s Holy Grail?  I hope Irish girl can remember the difference between the African and European swallows.

Some of the kids from Woodbury gather at the inner fence to stare at the walkers as the Fence Cleaners do their work.  The Cleaners have moved a whopping five feet away from each other, making them only slightly less bunched up than before.   I swear, Carol needs to come out and bitchslap them all.  The kids have noticed that one walker has a nametag with “Nick” on it, and so have named all the walkers in front of them.  Carl and Harry Potter show up behind them, and Carl lectures them on the non-personhood of walkers, and tells the kids to stop naming them. Yes, he’s just repeating Rick’s razzing to younger kids.  He tells the kids they haven’t seen what these walkers can do, but that’s so not true.  I’m sure each of those kids has at least one dead parent, and seen numerous people get eaten.  The kids decide that Carl is a dick, which he is, and they decide it’s story time, so they walk off.   Harry Potter sheepishly admits he likes storytime too, and goes off, leaving Carl with his soccer ball.  And Nick.

The supply run team:  Brave and fearless leader Sasha, Daryl, Tyrese, Bob the medic, Glenn, boytoy Zach, and Michonne, approach a fenced in area with temporary structures in front of a big box store named “Big Sp!t”, which is supposed to avoid trademark infringement.  Sasha & Glenn, days ago, cut a hole in the fence and set up a boom box with bad music to lure the walkers inside out and away, giving them free run of the grounds. They cautiously sweep, passing by long-truly-dead bodies as they approach the store.  Daryl pounds on the glass, tells Zach to cool it, and waits for the walkers to come to them, where they can be bottlenecked and slaughtered at the store entry doors.  Zach plays a game with Daryl, basically guess what Daryl did before the Turn.  I think it’s funny people think Daryl had a job before the Turn.  My guess would have been “inmate at the prison”, but Zach has decided that Daryl was a cop.  Daryl is so amused that he plays along, telling Zach he was an undercover cop.  Michonne is not having it, as she knew Merle, but Zach buys it for about a second, then tells Daryl he’ll guess again tomorrow, which is how we know Zach will die in this episode. 

After sweeping the store for walkers, the team splits up.  Glenn looks longingly at baby shit.  Michonne kills a zombie marketing cardboard cutout.  Bob lingers over the wine, obviously trying to stay on the wagon.  At first he loses the battle.  Then, as he returns the wine back to its shelf, the whole shelf crashes down, spilling wine everywhere and bringing two display shelves down on Bob’s foot.  The others prepare to help him,  only to find walkers falling through the roof above.  Turns out a helicopter crashed into the roof, weakening the structure (architect’s note: the roof should have collapsed long before this episode), so when walkers came walking toward the sound of the shelves crashing, they ended up causing the roof to fail altogether.  Walkers fall through the ceiling over and over, and the team can barely keep up, let alone free Bob.  Daryl manages to keep Bob from getting eaten, and Zach pitches in by lifting the shelves.  But a walker crawls under the lifted shelves to bite Zach in the ankle.  Before anyone can cut his foot off, said walker chomps into Zach’s neck, spewing blood everywhere.  Then the helicopter finally falls through the roof.  The team barely gets out before the helicopter falls into the store, bringing the whole roof down.  Mission failure, thy name is Bob.

Rick’s new friend reaches her campsite, and is so excited to tell hubbie that they have a new friend.  Hubbie isn’t in the tent- he’s in some sort of clump on the ground near the supplies, while Irish lady’s tent is neat and tidy, not looking like the home of someone starving at all.  And there’s only one sleeping bag.  Rick easily deflects the Irish lady’s knife stab, throwing her to the ground and drawing his gun.  But Irish lady is too quick for him.  Needless to say at this point, she wanted Rick as food, not for herself, but for her undead hubbie, who she didn’t have the heart to put down.  But she has the nerve to stab herself in the abdomen, collapsing on the grass as she begs Rick not to put her down, let her turn and be with her husband.  Irish wants Rick to ask his three questions now, so she can at least know what they were.  Here we go- 1- how many walkers have you killed?  None, hubbie killed them until he died.  2- how many people have you killed?  Only herself.  3- Why?  Because you can’t come back from doing that, Irish tells him.  Rick leaves her there to turn and join hubbie.  When he returns to Prisonville, Rick later goes outside, seeing that Violet is dead.  A normal person would remove the carcass, probably burn it since Violet was sick.  But Rick just stares at the pig.  Hershel later consoles him as he holds Lil Asskicker, looking ridiculously cute in her new pink bonnet.  Hershel reminds him that both he and Carl “came back” from the trauma of the last season. Rick goes outside, and sees the same walker with the formerly bleeding eyes again.  People and pigs die.  Good to know you can count on the walkers to stick around.

Carl has decided he wants in on storytime after all, and sneaks into the library.  Carol is reading from the Adventures of Tom Sawyer for about seven kids and one other adult, who leaves eventually.  Carol lets him go, then stops reading, sending one of the kids to watch while she pulls out a box of knives.  Huge knives.  She starts right in on her knife-holding lesson until Harry Potter asks to be excused.  Carol tells him to stop being a pussy, but it turns out Potter is actually unwell, and needs to throw up.  So Carol lets him go this time and gets back to it, until Carl stands up, revealing himself to Carol and the other kids.  Carol only asks Carl not to tell his father, and Carl leaves without saying anything. No one should ever question Carol, who has been right about everything she’s ever had an opinion on and is the best person to train kids to defend themselves.  And Rick has been blasé about anything anyone wants to do since dismantling his Ricktatorship.  So why storytime should be in danger is beyond me.

The supply run team gets back, and each has different ways of dealing.  Glenn tells Maggie, since Zach was Beth’s boytoy.  Maggie tells Glenn that she’s not pregnant, and Glenn stupidly asks how she knows.  WTF, hasn’t Glenn seen Caddyshack? They debate whether to even have kids, with Glenn thinking it’s a bad idea, and Maggie saying it would be possible in Prisonville.  They very cutely don’t resolve anything.  Daryl tells Beth, whose whole reaction is to change a sign in her room from “This workplace has had 30 days with no accident” to “0”.  In other words, OSHA’s gonna’ be all over them.  Beth just can’t cry anymore, she tells Daryl.  Daryl says he’s tired of losing people.  Yeah, it’s a real drag.  So Beth hugs him.  Tyrese finds Karen sewing, and sits next to her, telling her he doesn’t like going outside, either.  Bob lays in his cot, thinking about what an asshole he is.  Michonne studies a map that shows Macon County, so she will be going there, whether Daryl thinks it’s worth it or not.

Harry Potter stumbles out of bed, so feverish his body is covered in sweat.  He gets to the showers, pumps water from the water barrel he then coughs into, and tries to take a shower.  Instead he collapses in the shower.  As his footprints dry off, we see him in a pool of his own blood, having bled from his eyes, nose and mouth.  Then his eyes open.  So now there’s a walker loose in the showers.  Don’t bend over for the soap.

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