Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Blue Giant In All Of Us - Legend of Korra, Season 2, Episode 14

Korra discovers that her Avatar powers only partly come from Raava.  Jinora finds someone all thought was lost.  Team Avatar comes together to defend Korra.  Republic City gets a fight right out of Pacific Rim.

The harbor of Republic City is full of battleships, commanded by General Iroh, and on full alert.  President Raiko and Chief Beifong ride above in a zeppelin, ready for whatever Harmonic Convergence will bring.  Out of the Aurora comes Vaatu, sending water everywhere when he hits the harbor.  Iroh's armada fires immediately, but with no effect.

Vaatu, with Unalaq's water bending, summons a wall of water, and slams it into the armada.  As Tenzin's family watches from Temple Island, Vaatu topples the statue of Aang in the harbor.  Vaatu then notices the zeppelins above, and attacks the one with Raiko, sending it to crash.  Chief Beifong gets the President out just in time, by her metal ropes.  They land on a nearby roof.

Vaatu makes a mess of the city, because that is his bag.  When he attacks the jail, Varick sees his chance and commences Operation "Winged Freedom".  Well, Ju Li commences it.  With a hang glider strapped to Ju Li's back, and Ju Li riding piggy back on him, Varick leaps out of a gaping hole in his cell, opens the glider, and flies to freedom.  Somewhere.  See you in 10,000 years of darkness, you old cheater.

Tenzin, Kya, and Bumi find Korra, Bolin and Mako unconscious just outside the Spirit World, where Vaatu left them.  They quickly bring the kids back to the Spirit World, placing them in a nearby pond of spirit water, where Kya heals them and wakes them up.  Korra is devastated, convinced she has failed.  She explains the whole thing to Tenzin, including Raava's destruction and the breaking of the chain of Avatars.  Kya nudges Tenzin to do something, as he is Korra's mentor.  So Tenzin takes Korra to see the Tree of Time, still between the portals, no worse for the wear from Vaatu's imprisonment.  As he does, Tenzin explains that ancient people used to meditate in the Tree to join with the universe's cosmic energy.  He tells Korra that she can too.  Korra cannot believe it; with Raava gone, she has no spiritual power to defeat Vaatu.  Tenzin reminds Korra that she has a spirit of  her own, a part of the universe's cosmic energy, and that it is this spirit that makes her strong, and brave and capable of defeating Vaatu.  As the enter the Tree, Korra sees her own memories, proving that the Tree will respond to her.

Avatar Korra,  This Is Your Life!

They see that Republic City is already under attack from Vaatu.  And they hear Raava's voice when it told Wan that neither Vaatu or Raava can really be destroyed.  Korra asks Tenzin if she can really do this.  Tenzin is absolutely sure.  So Korra meditates, and immediately connects to the cosmic energy of the universe, where she sees a gigantic version of herself, holding a ball of energy.


Making contact with it, Korra's spirit immediately transforms and re-enters the Spirit World…

Extreme Makeover, Avatar edition

...As a blue giant form of Korra.  While her body continues to meditate in the Tree of Time.  Team Avatar watches with boggled minds as Blue Giant Korra makes contact with the Aurora, and transports herself to Republic City.  Vaatu is shocked to see her, as he thought he was just enjoying victory now, but they quickly battle it out, with Korra summoning spirit power to block Vaatu's.

Vaatu tries to use his tentacles, but Korra grabs them and pulls Vaatu to her, picks him up, and throws him against a nearby mountain, where she pins his head down, and inserts her hand into his chest, looking for Raava inside Vaatu.  Vaatu surprises her by fighting back, managing to grab Korra with his tentacles this time, and using his spirit power to knock her spirit out.  Korra's spirt hangs limply in Vaatu's tentacles.  

Back at the Tree of Time, Team Avatar sees a huge distant shape approaching.  It's a horde of dark spirits, coming to destroy Korra's body and keep her from defeating Vaatu.  So all five come together to defend Korra at the Tree of Time.  First Mako, then Tenzin, Kya and Bolin lunge and send their own elements toward the dark spirits.  Bumi stays up top, hurling whatever he can at the spirits.  Bolin is about to go down, when Desna and Eska join them, whipping water at spirits the way Vaatu did to Raava.  Eska's insane water bending melts Bolin's heart, and he asks her if she'll face 10,000 years of darkness together.  Eska is touched, but must get back to kicking ass.

Vaatu is about to defeat Korra, sending dark energy through her spirit to destroy it, when a huge yellow light appears from the Aurora, and descends to the spirits fighting.  Jinora's sister, Ikki, recognizes her in the middle of the light, holding a spirit.  A special spirit, one everybody thought was gone.  She descends to right between Korra and Vaatu, and releases Raava, who immediately slips inside Vaatu.

Be careful, sweetie!!!!

Vaatu, shocked, is trying to dig her out when Korra frees herself, and jumps Vaatu.  Korra inserts her hand again through Vaatu's chest, and this time makes contact with Raava, pulling her out of Vaatu so she is free.  Vaatu is horrified that he could not destroy Raava, and Korra takes the opportunity to bust out some spirit moves that trap Vaatu in pure light energy and eventually disintegrates him.  We won't see Vaatu for another 10,000 years.

Back at the Tree of Time, Team Avatar is losing ground and retreats to just within the Tree, taking a last stand to defeat Korra, with dark spirits filling the opening to the Tree.

Party crashers suck

Korra gathers Raava and Jinora.  Raava tells Korra that Harmonic Convergence is almost over, and they will need to return to the Tree of Time and harness the Convergence's energy to reunite.  Korra's spirit returns to the portals, sending energy pure and strong enough to destroy the dark spirits about to kill Team Avatar.  Korra's spirit rejoins with Korra, who emerges from the Tree of Time to see Raava, full size and in all her glory.  Korra literally glides up Raava's tentacles to the top of the the arc of energy created by Harmonic Convergence, and touches the energy as Raava re-enters her.  There is a flash of light, and Harmonic Convergence ends, the portals going back to normal, the Aurora disappearing, and Korra/Raava glowing, Raava inside Korra once again.

Ooo…   Aaah…..

Korra easily drifts back down the ground, her friends and mentor amazed.  Jinora's spirit tells her father they'll see each other soon, and then we see Jinora waking up to a relieved Grandma Katara, Asami, and Korra's parents.  Jinora tells them that everyone is all right, and Korra saved the world.  Korra, back at the portals, tells Team Avatar that all is pretty much well.  However, her connection to past Avatars is permanently lost.

Korra turns to Desna and Eska, and explains that since their father was joined to Vaatu, he is gone too.  In their typical deadpan, they inform Korra that there's no love lost between their father and themselves.  Their only worry is what to tell their mother.  Bolin and Eska break up, as a long distance relationship is not Eska's thing.

She decides to re-close the portals, but as she is about to close the first one, but draws her hand back.  What if Unalaq was right about this much?  What if balance can only be achieved if humans and spirits learn to live in peace?   Tenzin tells her to trust herself.

Still a mentor?

Back in the physical world, Korra and Mako officially call it off.  Korra regained the memories she lost previously, realizing that she and Mako were no longer going out anymore.  They end it amicably.  Mako is off to be a detective in Republic City.  What will Korra do now?

We end with Korra telling the people of the Southern Water Tribe that they are no longer to be governed by the Northern Water Tribe, and that her father, Tunraq, has been elected the first Chief of the Southern Water Tribe.  She also tells the people that her mission as Avatar, as Bumi plays with a  bunny spirit, is to help humanity learn to live in peace with the spirits, and that a new age has begun.

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